Aberdeenshire mum sharing stories and adventures with my three year old daughter Sophia!

Friday 30 December 2016

Festive fun

Hi everyone I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I can't believe how busy I have been, I went from thinking "oh these holidays will be nice and relaxed" to crazy regimented mummy in a split second, running around like a headless chicken. This was the first Christmas in four years that my older sister Michelle & her partner Dean had been home so we have been spending a lot of time with family.

Our first date in the diary was going to my partner's uncles Christmas party which was great fun, we sang carols, Santa visited the children and watching Sophia have a ball as well as getting to cuddle into my seven month old Nephew Dylan whilst spending time with my other Niece & Nephew's was brilliant.

Then it all becomes a bit blurry, their was shopping thrown in, visiting family and more shopping... fighting with ridiculously glittery paper from Tesco which all went in the bin and then hunting for glitter free paper happened. Who else decided to purchase the lovely sparkly paper from Tesco and within 5 seconds of opening the stuff was cursing Tesco for making it look like a unicorn pooped all over their house!?

Christmas eve Sophia was a bit under the weather but we managed to do some Christmas themed colouring in and we popped some reindeer food outside that Sophia made with her nursery. Then we had a Chinese takeaway and watched Scroodged when Sophia went up to bed.

Christmas day we got up, had my dad pop round in the morning, opened some presents and Sophia played away until it was time to get ready to head over to Bruce's parents house for more present opening and our meal with his mum, dad & brother. His mum cooked up a feast for 60 people not 6. Seriously she had the choice of around seven puddings!!! Bruce and I are also now proud owners of a Go Pro camera and I cannot wait to start using it. So Dad if you somehow stumble onto my mummy blog then thank you so much we love it!

Boxing day we were the host's and had my mum, older sister, her partner and my younger sister round. Had some party nibbles and opened even more presents. Sophia loved her Cinderella dress from her Grandma. She has also basically moved into this book that converts into a carriage and has decided to live in all of her new pj's.

The past few days we have been watching films, Trolls seems to be the movie of choice and I love it, I cannot help but sing along and have a dance with Sophia, lounging around, eating far too much food and being chased by Sophia and her new Hank toy (Finding Dory). I really need to get off my butt and go and get more party nibbles for Hogmanay (NYE for you non Scottish folks out there). I also fancy another bottle of Prosecco. I have also been working on my new business which you can find on facebook "pearl cove jewellery". It's very much still a working progress but I have a competition running which ends at 8pm on the 30/12/16 so feel free to enter!

I would love to hear what you got up to for Christmas and myself, Bruce and Sophia would like to wish you all a very happy New Years when it comes around!


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